Saturday, August 14, 2010

Quieter Pleasures

The "wow" factor may be what we first notice, but there is a quieter beauty.

 The beauty of small things,

 of small things multplied many times to make a rich carpet of oxalis.

The beauty of changing conditions. 
Here a late frost browned one camellia bloom, 
but the later bloom is was protected by a slower maturation and is beautiful.

And the beauty that shows us the passage of time in unlikely ways.

There is beauty in the small fresh new growth of red leaves against a sage green trunk  and


 the irregular shapes of trees against the sky.

One of my favorite small unobtrusive beauties are the textures of
tree bark.

Then there are the weeds....
 Who knows what beauty lies unnoticed when all we see is the wow factor.

1 comment:

Katie said...

This is why I love photography. It makes me see little things and sometimes they become "wows" because I took the time to look.