Saturday, September 4, 2010

Eastern Europe Under Construction

Here a little sidewalk repair is in order.  Prague was in good repair, but the renovation work is always happening.  It was nice to see this kind of repair that can be done on a small scale because the walks are made with small cobbles.  The streets are paved with a larger stone.

One stop we would have enjoyed was closed for renovation with this barrier showing what we would have seen.

 Other places have nets over the entire facade of the building to prevent debris from falling into the street.  This net has lost some of it's effectiveness. 
 He must have had a great smile.  People kissing were also removed from this net.  Dormitory style decor I suppose.

Construction hides inside as interior rooms are dug under to build cellar and vault restaurants and clubs.
This one is inside the B&B we stayed at.  They are expanding by going down.

 In Lviv the tram tracks were all torn up for part of the route.  A significant inconvenience for it's citizens, but they are preparing to host the European Cup in 2012.  Lviv has not had the influx of tourism that Prague and Cracow have had and is in need of repair and restoration in many places.  The place we stayed was supposed to be 14th century building that had once been part of the church complex and the lowest picture below shows the restoration that was going on just down the alley way. 

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