Friday, February 6, 2009

abandoning Sudoku

We've become bored with Sudoku so now we are trying crossword puzzles. It takes us a few hours together to get the Sunday NY Times puzzle done. Together we are pretty quick with the Monday through Wednesday puzzles. Thursday often stumps us. I wonder if the puzzle writers are different. It is not exactly a daily routine, but a frequent after dinner activity on these dark winter evenings.

Speaking of dark winter days - the sun now sets after 5:00 pm. ahhh the hope of spring ....

1 comment:

H.G. Thomas said...

I so gave up on cross word puzzles in seventh grade when I didn't get one right! Tells you where my mental stamina and abilities lie! It's totally amazing for your brain and iq--so don't be too discouraged. If you keep it up, you'll be the granny answering all of lives questions to her great-great granddaughters.

Humm, maybe I should try one.

AS for why we're selling. JOhn's company runs out of money in three weeks and another company is taking it over and they are pretty firm that no one will be taken in--though they may pick in brain for a month or so. Who knows. So we're prepping for the worst--which always seems to happen to us!
(mary, not Henry--silly boy, always logged in!)