Sunday, December 28, 2008

Little Blue Plastic Pot

A totally unromantic post - I've been trying something new - a neti pot. The pictured pot is not blue plastic like my version but is pretty porcelin. Who knew there could be benefits of water up your nose. I've always hated that feeling but I seem willing to do this. It seems to help my constant allergic nasal drip. Basically I lean over a sink, pour lukewarm salted water in one nostril and it drips out the other nostril thereby washing the inside of my nose. You breathe through your mouth while doing this so the water up the nose feeling is not so pronounced as it was when you couldn't quite get the hang of swimming when you were a kid. So why would I write about this? I think it might improve my quality of life. That is worth writing about. Yes, I have tried some of those over the counter allergy medications. I always feel worse the day after I take one of them, though they are very effective at drying me up. This little pot and a bit of water may save a tree because I use far fewer tissues. OK the plastic pot cost some global warming but maybe the tree I save will offset that and I can be more comfortable as a side benefit. Oh, and one more thing - my hips look slimmer if my pockets aren't overflowing with used tissues ;)

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