Saturday, January 3, 2009

Snow Geese

Half a mile wide great broad V's of snow geese, V's within V's, flew over yesterday. There were wave after wave of great V's of geese, maybe about a thousand birds with their black tipped wings ossillating against the invisible sea of air in which they move. They winter in the fields around Stanwood. Their summer range is the Arctic region. The flocks must be increasing for us to see them here. The pictures aren't mine - I just enjoyed the sight of these great birds silently swimming in the sky.

If all you see is a rust colored box, click on it to get to a picture. I'm trying to learn to post pictures from a URL. Not sure that I am successful.  (2010 I added the picture above of snow geese in a Skagit county field)

1 comment:

Fritz said...

What a treat to catch up on your blog after a hectic and wonderful holiday. Your posts are so lovely.