Saturday, October 24, 2009

Keep the Old.... is silver and the other is gold.

I have been serving as the secretary in the stake RS presidency.  It has been delightful, but my three delightful friends have been released and I have three new delightful people to work with.  The old vowed that we were going to get together as friends when the release came.  We didn't want to loose that precious aspect of our service.  It is harder than we thought it would be as everyone accepts new callings with new schedules.  Yesterday afternoon we had our first get together.  We just visited and caught up on the things that matter the most to each of us and the challenges and blessings of change.   This pesto cheesecake to spread on french bread was my contribution to the goodies.  It isn't sweet but is yummy.


Katie said...

YUM! that sounds delicious! I want the recipe, please!

H.G. Thomas said...

I want it too!

H.G. Thomas said...

oh, that would be Mary. Hum. Henry would probably like it too though!

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

Good for you for getting together! I always hope that friends I have had in the past will still be able to find a friend in me, whenever our paths cross again. But making the opportunity for that to happen is a good and generous thing to do.