Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tanning Lines

The blueberry bushes go tanning. The leaves that get the most sun turn red. The leaves on the interior of the plant that are mostly shaded are yellow. A few of them have tan lines where they got good sun on part of the leaf and part of the leaf was shaded by another leaf. This is as close as I get to tan lines. I just burn and peel. I love these evidences of sunlight as we enter the rainy, dark season of the year.

1 comment:

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

Beautiful. The picture and the thought, "evidences of sunlight."

In Beijing, most lotion sold is skin "whitening" lotion. The great desire is pearly white skin, no tan. My children are constantly complimented for their fair complexions and I get asked what lotion I use for them.

Now I, on the other hand, have freckles....more evidences of sun.