Saturday, November 8, 2008

Super Powers

A few years ago I was with one of my children and a friend when we saw a movie with a super hero. We were kind of casually chatting about what would be the best super power to have. All the movie super heroes have multiple powers it seems. What would it be like to have even one super power? What super power do I think is the best? At the time I remember thinking I wish I could look at people and that they would see kindness. Today I saw again the power of kindness.

David and I just attended a wedding of one of his co-workers at the Russian Orthodox Church in Seattle. At the reception several people stood and told stories about how the couple met (at a Boy Scout Meeting - he was the scout master) or had influenced their lives etc.... One woman stood and told her own story in heavily accented English. Patrick had befriended her when she was relatively new to this country. She was so homesick and wanted to go back to Russia. Patrick took her on trips to show her the scenery of the state and helped her do things that we take for granted - like opening a bank account. He was so kind, "the best of what America is" and now she loves this country as her home because of his kindness. I think kindness is a super power. I wonder where I can show a little more kindness?

What super power do you wish you had?


Fritz said...

May seem corny, but sort of along the same lines, I wish I could be, exude and pass along peacefulness. What better feeling is there than peace? Either that, or being invisible. Because I'm kind of a snoop.

Amanda, Curtis, Ellis, Hugh, Rhys, Graham, Sylvia said...

One year during a summer reading program at the library we asked the kids to tell us what their superpower was. Most of the time the kids came up with something they felt that they did well like smile, jump, read. When they were asked what power they'd choose, being invisible or being able to fly were top choices.

Working with the kids was pretty rewarding and it ties in with my wish--I want to be able to help other people discover their own unique gifts.