Friday, December 5, 2008

You can hear us clap....

.... for Sara Gazarek and the PLU jazz band at the KPLU jazz sampler. We heard it live yesterday. "Drummer Boy" should never be played any other way. You can hear the show on Christmas day via KPLU on the internet. Oh, and for you who are without radio jazz - the internet is a miracle - try

We had a fun day. We went to the show, shopped for a new coat for David and stopped at the Seattle outdoor sculpture park

This is not a sculpture - it is the reflection of the Olympics and the sunset on the sound on an aluminum sided cafe housed in the park.

Between the sculpture park and the art museum lies Pikes place market. It was wonderful to be there on a winter day - few people so we had time and space for taking pictures.

The donut stand with the Rube Goldberg style donut machine (far more entertaining than Krispy Kreme's) had this reminder of the holiday spirit.

I've never seen carrots other than orange -

David was glad to escape the cubicle on a sunny winter day.

found my dream coffee table at the art museum - This table is a table with a built in tray for these blocks. That are each the same block but each side of the block has a different pattern.
Too much fun - A new design anytime you have time - or guests - to indulge in the creation.

1 comment:

Katie said...

super cool, mom! looks like it was a beautiful day.