Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Blueless Days

After days of rain, snow, flooding, rain, fog and black ice there are indeed signs of spring on these gray days. The sun peeks under the layer of clouds at the magical beginning and end of the day, spotlighting the soft purple catkins of an alder tree. Yellow catkins ring from the branches of the hazels, getting an early start on my favorite season of the year.

The azalea buds are pinking and swelling - defying the gray sky of winter. DR consults his electronic brain to tell me occasionally that these gray days are passing and that this day there will be light seconds sooner than the last day. We have small moments of celebration.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I have a picture or a few similar to your azalea bud. I love the contrast of the almost red bloom against the grey fence and grey everything. Thanks for the pictures. I love seeing home.